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  • Pão de Gimonde - Easter Flyer Easter has arrived! From sweets to Transmontano Easter Cake, passing through delicious novelties, Pão de Gimonde has the best of the Easter Season to offer. Learn more about our Easter

  • Welcome to the Transcolab Summit 2022! The European project TRANSCOLAB ("Transfrontier Collaborative Laboratory for Sustainability and Innovation in the Agro-Food and Agroindustrial Sector") is coming to an end. During the last 3 years, the project has

  • Folar with Tea - Pão de Gimonde These are the days of great hustle and bustle in our Gimonde bakey during this Easter season as we respond to orders from all over the country. Stuffed with smoked

  • The International Young Bakers Competition dates back to 1971. It started with a small group of competitors in Germany which grew every year. Currently, about 14 countries participate, all members of the International Union of Bakers and

  • A symphony of flavors, perfectly connecting the taste of fig with walnuts and raisins, forming a perfect harmony with the crunchy crust. With a striking aroma and appearence, ideal for lovers of distinctive and innovative products. A

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Folar com Chá - Pão de Gimonde
Torrada ao lanche - Pão de Gimonde
Deliciosos económicos - Pão de Gimonde
Deliciosos queques - Pão de Gimonde